Saturday, April 16, 2005

viola = pansy

Pansies grow in my front yard and fill me with gaiety.


Let us drink and sport to-day,
Ours is not to-morrow:
Love with youth flies swift away,
Age is naught but sorrow.
Dance and sing,
Time's on the wing,
Life never knows the return of spring.
(from The Beggar's Opera 1728)
By John Gay.

John Gay: English poet and dramatist, friend of A. Pope and Swift. Gay is remembered for his play THE BEGGAR'S OPERA (1728), which was the basis for Kurt Weil and Bertolt Brecht's classical work Dreigroschenoper (1928, The Threepenny Opera).
Main Entry: 1 pan·sy
Pronunciation: 'pan-zE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pansies
Etymology: Middle English pensee, from Middle French pensée, from pensée thought, from feminine of pensé, past participle of penser to think, from Latin pensare to ponder -- more at PENSIVE

1 : a garden plant (Viola wittrockiana) derived chiefly from the wild pansy (Viola tricolor) of Europe by hybridizing the latter with other wild violets; also : its flower
2 a usually disparaging : an effeminate man or boy b usually disparaging : a male homosexual

I also love these, ever so tiny and delicate, wild violas that grow in my lawn. I must move them so that they can be happy in a garden to thrive. Their so fragrant for such a little things and can be candied to eat.

Tiny wild violas growing amongst the blades of grass in the backyard.

These are happier growing under our stand of Maple Trees.

You know now that I think about it, I always found A. Pope difficult to read because of his poems length, although there are some juicy bits. Isn’t a laureate what cowboys use to lasso a horse?



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