Monday, April 11, 2005

Melancholy, your languid lure over me is anything but sanguine.

I seem to be on a roll and am feeling about the same as I did yesterday -- blue. It’s not a lack of confidence in my ability to work and make art; it’s my perception that significant others lack the same confidence. It worries my sense of self, like mixing water with wine, I feel somewhat weakened down by it. What really worries me at these times is that I do not want all of these mislaid feelings to continue rolling along, so that a day becomes a week, and then a month, and so on. I’ve been there before and survived it, but only by the skin of my teeth and I don’t think I’m strong enough to weather that storm again.
Just now, I’m feeling down and in all honesty, I don’t know why. I hope it is not just me feeling sorry for myself because I have no reason to do so. I make a lousy victim and hate playing that role. I’m sure I’ll find my way and if I wear any mantle it’s the one of survivor I prefer. Life’s struggles, the ones that even medicine can’t remedy must point to one thing: I’m a live. Good thing to, as when push comes to shove it is always life I choose. Melancholy, your languid lure over me is anything but sanguine.

So again, instead of wallowing in a bed of misery I thought I would share some of the things that did make my day yesterday and today, in pictures from my gardens.

Bleeding Hearts race upwards in the dwindling-last-light of day.

Fresh young Chives in the dusk's twilight.

Rhubarb unfurls from its early spring red-shelled pods.

Garlic sprouts in the still warm light of the end of day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

pretty pictures. you're right, they do help to raise one's spirit.

3:21 p.m.  

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