Sunday, April 24, 2005

I live in a frozen wasteland

Guess what? I live in the frozen wastelands of Canada and for jiminy cricket’s sake it snowed last night and is still snowing today. Damn I was out in the dark last night staking up flowers so the weight of the snow would not snap them. I woke up PO’d looking out the window at the snow flakes. Nature is good isn’t it? It can provoke so many emotions; maybe that’s why it was previously thought of as a woman. I am not a follower of Plato or the Greeks when it comes to the role of woman as worldly and men being consumed by the ideal. Plato must have been gay in that bad way of being gay, a misogynist kinda gay! But as my analyst can attest I have a hard time understanding woman.
Snow, aaarrrrh or is that brrrrrrrr?

Yes, Arsenal plays tomorrow, something to live for on a cold and miserable day. I have to put my digital pen down now and take some rest and a cold beer.
Damn Voltaire was right! Curse him.


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