Thursday, November 10, 2005

trees enlighten

I love the way light plays within the fall canopy of the trees.

This first image is looking up into a large Sugar Maple, which grows in the back of our yard. It’s a cool day and the sky is cold light grey slate. The inner canopy is shaded but it rendered me this beautiful photo. Thank you tree!

This second image was taken along the banks of the River Thames, in the Blackfriars neighbourhood of London (the other London: Ontario). Very near to where I photographed the Blackfriars Bridge below.
It was photographed on a splendidly warm fall day with the sun’s setting casting light onto the east bank of the river. It grows next to a friend’s home who plays in the Nihilist Spasm Band.
The light in this tree was incredible and though this image works I was not truly able to capture what I saw through the inability of the camera and its user being me. While I’m satisfied with the result I know what I saw was even more stunning. That said, the light in the foliage was exhilarating and I thank the “maker” for getting it just right.



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